Ancestral Family Footprints

Ancestral Family Footprints

A French-Canadian Genealogy Blog

Our ancestors footprints are worth following.

Our ancestors footprints are worth following

Our ancestors footprints are worth following.
Florence Beauchamp 1909-2001.

Introducing My Grandmother Florence Beauchamp


My Grandmother Florence Beauchamp was born in 1909 in Cobalt, Ontario.  Although her parents had 7 children, only Florence and two younger brothers (Lorenzo and Rene) lived to adulthood. Grandma Beauchamp and her parents and siblings all remained in Ontario during their lifetime.  They spent many years living on a farm near Timmins, Ontario.  My mother (eldest child of Florence) took a train to visit her mother and grandparents many times during the 1950’s and early 1960’s.  She would always bring at least one of us (her children) to see Grandma Beauchamp.  I was only 3 or 4 years old when I met my grandmother Florence and therefore I do not really have a memory of her.  Grandma Beauchamp never travelled to western Canada to visit her children or grandchildren.
My grandparents Florence Beauchamp and Albert Dallaire separated (divorce was not common in those days) sometime around 1940.  My grandfather Dallaire raised his 3 children, Mom, Uncle Norm and Uncle Ernie.  That was very unusual and the mystery of my grandmother remains to this day. 


JEAN BEAUCHAMP  1644-1700 Arrival before 1666 from FRANCE
Jean Beauchamp was born in 1644 at La Rochelle, in France.  He was the second youngest of 10 children.  Although five of the Beauchamp siblings (Jacques, Jean, Lucas, Marie, and Pierre) migrated from France to New France, historical records are only readily available for Jacques Le Grand Beauchamp and Jean Le Petit Beauchamp.  Grand and Petit nicknames denote the older and younger brothers.  The first official record of Jean Beauchamp in New France is his marriage to Jeanne Loisel in 1666.  Jeanne Loisel was quite the catch for Jean, as she was she was one of the first students of Marguerite Bourgeoys, the first teacher in Montreal (Marguerite founded the Congregation of Notre Dame).  Marguerite would have been very protective of her student (her name is recorded on the marriage contract) and therefore it is likely that Jean had a very good reputation and had established himself within the community prior to their marriage.  Jean Beauchamp is my 8th great grandfather.

FRANCOISE HURTEAU   1666-1749                    ARRIVAL 1680 from FRANCE
Francoise Hurteau was born in 1666 at Amboise, France.  Amboise is in the central Loire Valley of France.  She was orphaned at a very young age.  She was a committed servant when she arrived in New France in 1680.  In 1684 she married Antoine Monet and they had four children.  She lived until the age of 83 which was a very long life in those days.  Francoise Hurteau is my 9th great grandmother (matrilineal).



7 out of 8 of my  Grandparent’s direct French Ancestors arrived from France prior to 1700 (Please refer to the ancestral lineage charts on the Surnames page  of this website  for the surnames:Allaire, Asselin, Beauchamp, Hurteau, Meloche, Blanchard, Chevreau.)
1 Grandparents’ Ancestors arrived from Belgium in 1885 (surname Timm)


  • Cyprien Tanguay, Genealogical Dictionary of French Canadian Families, (Montreal, Quebec: E. Senécal and Sons, 1871-1890), Volume 1, 33.
  • Janine Giraud-Héraud and Gilbert Pilleul, These towns and villages of France, … cradle of French America, (CFQLMC and Association France-Quebec LDMC-Publication,2008), Volume 11, Poitu Charente, 140.
  • Sinotte Loiselle Genealogy Blog: Accessed March 2021
  • The Origin File: Jean Beauchamp


  • Cyprien Tanguay, Genealogical Dictionary of French Canadian Families, (Montreal, Quebec: E. Senécal and Sons, 1871-1890), Volume 4, 503.
  • Janine Giraud-Héraud and Gilbert Pilleul, These towns and villages of France, … cradle of French America, (CFQLMC and Association France-Quebec LDMC-Publication,2008), Volume 6, Center, 103.
  • The Origin File: Francoise Hurteau

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