Ancestral Family Footprints

About Me

I was born and raised in Vancouver, BC.  As a western Canadian, I speak English.  As a proud French-Canadian descendant I can read French, but am only just learning to speak it.

My life long journey included leaving the west coast of BC as a young bride of 22.  As a forester, accountant and mother of 2 beautiful daughters I lived in the Okanagan valley of BC and then in northern Alberta.  In 2005 I returned to the west coast to live in Victoria on Vancouver Island, nearly 30 years after leaving Vancouver.

My love of the outdoors together with long distance walking and travel has now being combined with a passion for my family ancestry.

I retired in 2016, and my travels have included long distance walking in Italy, Australia, Spain, England and India.  

Since 2018 I have added an ancestral theme to my walking adventures in France and Quebec.  Walking in the footsteps of my ancestors has been joyful and fascinating.  I guess you could say I have fully embraced the idea put forth in “Ces Villes et villages de France” of walking and commemorating the places of our ancestral history.

In addition to ancestral long distance walking I have been researching and documenting my family ancestry for the past 4 years using the many resources available on the internet.  Last fall (September 2021) I visited the BAnQ Grande Bibliothèque and the BAnQ Vieux-Montréal during a visit to Montreal.  I consider myself lucky to be a French-Canadian as there are many records and lots of information readily available.

3 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Anthony William Romeo

    Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your writing on the Cote family. My grandmother was a Cote (Louise).

    Her father was Gilbert, his father was Simon, his was Ambroise and so on… all which lead to my discovery of Jean Cote and his father Abraham M. Cote

    I’d love if you can point me to the right direction for more information on this line? I would be the 10th Generation Great Grandson, I’m thinking? If i’m doing this correctly.

    Looking forward to chatting with you!

    Anthony William Romeo

    Alternative email:

  2. LaurentJolicoeur

    Merci beaucoup pour votre recherche exhaustive sur vos ancêtres. Notre lignée se sépare à partir de Moïse car son frère,Olivier, est mon ancêtre.
    Mon fils se nomme d’ailleurs Markus-Olivier.
    L’histoire des Meloche en Amérique est sans fin:premier colons dans la région de Detroit ,Cleveland etc. Premier ancêtre en Amérique ,François, est probablement un Huguenot fuyant les persécutions après l’abolition de l’édit de Nantes par Louis XIV en 1685.

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