MAP 6: 19th and 20th Century Marriage Locations for some of my ancestors. Many of my ancestors migrated from Quebec to Ontario during this time. Note the green line on this map it shows the boundary between Quebec and Ontario. The mining boom in Ontario was significant to my family.

Census Data Note 1:
Canada Statistics Act does not permit the release of personal information until 92 years have elapsed. Therefore, the next census to become available will be the 1931 Census. It will be released in 2023.
Census Data Note 2:
I have used the surname spelling and individual ages as recorded by the census takers. Please note that surname spelling and or individual ages were not always accurately recorded by the census takers.
20th Century Census Data Snippets for my Beauchamp and Hurteau Ancestors
Location: Champlain District;
Sainte Thecle Sub District
Delima Cote (Thauvette) (my gggm) age 36; and Joseph Cote laborer, age 37 are enumerated together with 6 living children. My great grandmother Virginie Cote (my ggm) is now the third eldest, she is 10 years old.
Source:http://automatedgenealogy.com/census/ViewFrame.jsp?id=46097&highlight=14 Accessed 29 May 2022
Location: Pontiac District;
Village de Ville Marie (located on Lake Temiskaming), Quebec
Pierre IV Beauchamp (my gggf) farmer, age 48; and Olivine Beauchamp (Nadon), age 44 are enumerated together with 9 living children. Their eldest son Joseph Beauchamp laborer, age 25 and his wife Anna age 24 live next door with 2 children. Their second eldest son Ernest Beauchamp (my ggf) is enumerated in the town of Cobalt (see below.)
Source: https://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item/?app=Census1911&op=pdf&id=e002079778 Accessed 31 May 2022

Location: Temiskaming District of ONTARIO, Town Of Cobalt
Ernest Beauchamp (my ggf) “restaurateur”, age 23; and Virginie Beauchamp (Cote) (my ggm) age 20 are enumerated together with one child and the brother of Ernest, namely Arthur Beauchamp laborer, age 16. The child is none other than Florence Beauchamp (my grandmother) age 1 year old.
Source: https://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item/?app=Census1911&op=pdf&id=e002004536 Accessed 31 May 2022
1921 CENSUS Location: Pontiac District; Village de Ville Marie (located on Lake Temiskaming), Quebec
Father Pierre IV Beauchamp (my gggf) and his second eldest son Ernest Beauchamp (my ggf) are both enumerated in the town of Ville Marie located on the border between Ontario and Quebec. Ernest Beauchamp, age 33 is listed first with his wife Virginie Beauchamp (Cote) age 29 and 3 surviving children (4 children of 7 total did not reach adulthood). Florence Beauchamp (my grandmother) is now 12 years old. A few doors away, Pierre IV Beauchamp (my gggf) farmer, age 58; is listed together with his wife Olivine Beauchamp (Nadon) age 54 and four children. There is no occupation listed for Ernest Beauchamp.
Source: https://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item/?app=Census1921&op=img&id=e003090838 Accessed 31 May 2022
20th Century Census Data Snippets for my Dallaire and Asselin Ancestors
Location: Gaspé District;
Cap Cove Sub District
Joseph Dallaire (my ggf) age 48; his wife Augustine Dallaire (Desjardins) age 38 (my ggm) are enumerated together with 8 children, aged less than one to 14. My grandfather Albert Dallaire is the youngest child –aged 8 months. A ninth child-Joseph Buissiere is noted as being adopted. A domestic servant Rosalie Dechaine (age 20) is also included in the household. Joseph is a farmer with $300 of other (fishing) income earned in 6 month. Joseph can speak both French and English but cannot read or write. Augustine and the younger children can speak, read and write both French and English. Joseph and Augustine are enumerated as household #183. In household #195, Thomas Dallaire (my gggf) and Marguerite Lelievre are enumerated together with their son Calixte (age 44) who is the younger brother of Joseph.
Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1901
Location: Gaspé District;
Pabos Sub District
Emelie Desjardins (Pelletier) (my gggm) age 86; and Joseph Desjardins age 84 are enumerated within the household of Eugene Desjardins their son. Eugene is the younger brother of my great grandmother Augustine Dallaire (Desjardins).
Source: https://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item/?app=Census1871&op=pdf&id=4395498_00620
Location: Gaspé District;
Cap Cove Sub District
Joseph Dallaire (my ggf) farmer and fisherman, age 55; his wife Augustine Dallaire (Desjardins) (my ggm) age 48; have 8 children living at home. The second oldest daughter Marie Alma Dallaire (age 23) is a teacher. The oldest son Liopole (age 17) is a laborer in the woods and the second oldest son Eudore (age 16) is a farmer and laborer on the railroad. Albert Dallaire (my grandfather) is now 10 years old.
Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1911

20th Century Census Data Snippets for my Jolicoeur Ancestors
During the first decade of the 20th century my Jolicoeur ancestors relocated from Sainte Agathe (see 1901 location on adjacent map) in the southwest corner of the Laurentides to a newly created (proclaimed 1892) township called Robertson, (see 1911 location on adjacent map) located in the northwestern area of the Laurentides. Land was available for 30 cents an acre!
Edmond Jolicoeur my great grandfather and all 3 of his sons: Philias, Alcide and Edoire (my grandfather) were pioneers in this new territory.

Location: Terrebonne District;
Sainte Agathe Sub District
Moise Jolicoeur (my gggf) farmer, age 76; his 2nd wife Virginie Pacquet age 52; and 5 living children are listed. Both Gedeon and Moise are on the same page for this census. My ggf Edmond Jolicoeur was not found within the 1901 Census.
Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1901
Location: Labelle District;
Robertson Sub District
Edmond Jolicoeur (my ggf) farmer & lumberjack, age 57; his wife Palmyre, age 58; and their youngest son Edoire (my grandfather) age 16 are listed. Philias and Alcide Jolicoeur (my great uncles) and their families are living adjacent to their father. Only Edmond is working as a lumberjack-30 weeks each year; 60 hours/week; total wages $350.
Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1911
Location: Labelle District;
Mont Laurier Sub District
Palmyre Jolicoeur (Beleque) (my ggm who is now remarried as Edmond Jolicoeur passed away 1n 1913) and David Cardinal are living in Mont Laurier
Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1921
20th Century Census Data Snippets for my Chevreau and Timm Ancestors
Location: Terrebonne District;
Ste Lucie de Doncaster
Amanda Labelle (Therrien) (my gggm) age 54; husband Israel Labelle farmer, age 62 are listed with their daughter Sarah age 34. Next, Henri Timm (my ggf) laborer, age 24 and his wife Dalila Labelle (my ggm) age 27 are listed along with 4 children. Henri and Dalila are living with Dalila’s parents-Amanda and Israel Labelle.
Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1901

Location: Terrebonne District;
Ste Lucie
Amanda Labelle (Therrien) (my gggm) age 64; husband Israel Labelle, age 72 are listed with their daughter Sarah age 43. Listed next is Dalila Timm (Labelle) (my ggm) age 37 who now lives without her husband Henri Timm. Their 6 children are recorded next. My grandmother Andrea Timm is 5 years old. Finally, a son of Amanda and Israel, also named Israel Labelle age 35, his wife and 4 children are listed.
Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1911
Location: Terrebonne District;
Ste Agathe des Monts
Dalila Timm (Labelle) (my ggm) age 47; now lives only with her youngest son Romeo Timm (my great uncle) age 14. My grandmother Andrea Timm was not found.
Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1921