MAP 4: 19th Century Marriage Locations for some of my ancestors. Refer to the table below for ancestral data summary.

Census Data Note: I have used the surname spelling and individual ages as recorded by the census takers. Please note that surname spelling and or individual ages were not always accurately recorded by the census takers.
19th Century Census Data Snippets for my Asselin and Allaire Ancestors
Location: Gaspé District;
Percé Sub District.
Thomas Dallaire (my gggf) farmer and fisherman, age 36; his wife Marguerite Lelievre age 33; and 5 living children aged 1 to 11 are listed. Joseph Dallaire (my ggf) is 6 years old. Their wooden house is under construction.
Source: https://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item/?app=Census1861&op=pdf&id=4108709_00426
Location: Gaspé District;
Pabos and Newport Sub District.
Emelie Desjardins (Pelletier) (my gggm) age 44; Joseph Desjardins age 45; plus 12 children ranging in age from 1 through 21. Joseph Roy Desjardins and Emilie Pelletier were married in 1847 in Kamouraska. They had 10 children in Kamouraska and then moved to the Gaspe Peninsula, where they had 7 more children. Using the baptism locations of their children, the move must have occurred between 1861 and 1863. Many French Canadians from Kamouraska migrated to the Gaspe area during this era: The cod fishery offered employment and lands were available for farming to supplement the seasonal work. Augustine Desjardins (my ggm) is 8 years old with 3 younger siblings! The following year in 1872 her twin brothers would be born (the last children for the family)
Source: https://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item/?app=Census1871&op=pdf&id=4395498_00620
Location: Gaspé District;
Cap Cove Sub District
Thomas Dallaire (my gggf) farmer, age 68; his wife Marguerite Dallaire (Lelievre) age 60; and 2 female children ages 16 and 19 are listed first. Their son Alphonse Dallaire, farmer and fisherman, age 24; his wife and infant child is the next household to be enumerated. Next is the oldest son Thomas Dallaire farmer and fisherman, age 37; his wife and their children. On the next page we find Joseph Dallaire (my ggf) farmer and fisherman, age 35; his wife Augustine Dallaire (Desjardins) (my ggm) age 27 and 3 children.
Source: Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1891

MAP 5: 19th Century Marriage Locations for some of my ancestors. Refer to the table below for ancestral data summary.

19th Century Census Data Snippets for my Beauchamp and Hurteau Ancestors
Location: County of Ottawa District; Wakefield Sub District
Pierre III Beauchamp (my 3rd ggf) farmer, age 45; and his wife Salome Beauchamp (Vincent) age 38 are enumerated together with 10 living children, aged less than one to 21. Pierre IV Beauchamp (my gggf) is the second eldest –aged 17.
Source: http://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item/?app=Census1881&op=&img&id=e008166275 Accessed 1 March 2022

Location: Champlain District;
Sainte Thecle Sub District
Delima Cote (Thauvette) (my gggm) age 26; and Joseph Cote laborer, age 27 are enumerated together with 4 living children. My great grandmother Virginie Cote is the youngest –she is only 7 months old. Source: http://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item/?app=Census1911&op=pdf&id=e002046446 Accessed 1 March 2022
19th Century Census Data Snippet for my Blanchard Ancestor
Location: Terrebonne District; Saint Adele Parish (outlined in green on map)
Emelie Binet (my ggm) age 35 and her husband Jeremie Beleck farmer, age 36; and the first 5 of their 8 children are listed. Palmire Beleck (my great grandmother) is 8 years old. Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1861

19th Century Census Data Snippets for my Jolicoeur Ancestors

Location: Deux Montagnes District; St Eustache Sub Dist
Head of Households type of Census. Francois III Meloche (my 3rd ggf) a farmer is the head of household in the Parish of St Eustache by the Grand Chicot. Household count is 5.
Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1831
Location: Terrebonne District; Beresford Sub District
Moyse Meloche (my gggf) farmer, age 37; his wife Aurelie Mathieu age 32; and 5 living children are listed. Edmond Meloche my great grandfather is 8 years old. Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1861
Note that individual surnames (spelling) and ages are not always accurately by the census takers
Location: Terrebonne District; Doncaster Sub District
Parish of Ste Marguerite
My great-great grandfather is now using JOLICOEUR as his surname!
Moise Jolicoeur (my gggf) farmer, age 45; his wife Virginie Pacquet age 22; and 7 living children are listed. Edmond Jolicoeur my great grandfather now 17 years old is listed as being a farmer.
Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1871
Location: Terrebonne District; Sainte Agathe Sub District
Moise Jolicoeur (my gggf) farmer, age 65; his wife Virginie age 42; and 8 living children are listed. Their oldest daughter living with them (Victoria age 19) is noted as being a servant and their oldest son living with them (Joseph age 15) is noted as being a farmer. The youngest child is an infant (4 months). An older son Gedeon is found on the next page (wife + 3 children)
Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1891

This is believed to be a photo of my Jolicoeur Great Grandparents (Photo date unknown)
Great Grandpa EDMOND JOLICOEUR born 1853 died 1913
Great Grandma PALMIRE BELEQUE born 1853 died 1929
Edmond and Palmire were married in 1873 in Ste Agathe des Monts in the Laurentide region of Quebec. They had 5 children, 3 sons and 2 daughters, their youngest son was my grandfather-Edoire (Eddie) Jolicoeur. 1911 Census data records recorded Edmond and Palmire together with their 3 sons in the Robertson Township located in northwest Quebec. The Government of Quebec undertook a colonization campaign for the region that my ancestors moved to. (see brochure front page at left) This will be subject of a future blog….

19th Century Census Data Snippets for my Chevreau and Timm Ancestors
Location: Terrebonne District; St Hippolyte Parish
Marine Bertrand (my 3rd ggm) age 55; her husband Joseph Therrien, noted as “rentier” age 65 are listed right after Israel Labelle farmer, age 32 and wife Amanda Therrien (my gggm) age 23, who is the daughter of Marine and Joseph, with 5 young children.
Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1871
Location: Terrebonne District; Doncaster Township
Amanda Labelle (Therrien) (my gggm) age 35; her husband Israel Labelle farmer, age 45 now have 10 children living with them, the oldest is 18, youngest is 1 year old. Dalila Labelle (my ggm) is now 8 years old.
Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1881

Location: Terrebonne District;
Ste Lucie Sub District
Amanda Labelle (Therrien) (my gggm) age 43; her husband Israel Labelle farmer, age 50 now have only 5 children living with them. Dalila Labelle (my ggm) is recorded as being 17 years old and unusually for a female she is noted as being a “cultivateur” or farmer.
Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1881
Location: Terrebonne District;
Ste Lucie Sub District
Charles Timm (my gggf) farmer, age 46; his wife Catherine age 46; and 3 living children are listed. The family immigrated to Quebec from Belgium during 1885. Catherine’s mother (age 77) is living with them. Henri Timm (my ggf) farmer is 16 years old, listed on line 15. Henri’s future wife Dalila Labelle is recorded on line 6. So, the future couple lived very close to one another before their marriage.
Source: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/1891